WELCOME to EbenEzer Haitian Mission
Sponsored by Eglise Eben-Ezer de la Pentecostal, Inc. 754-422-4652
Our Board Members:
Our Experience: Pastor and Mrs. Numa have over four decades in ministry as a married couple. Here are a few photos from previous trips to Haiti:
Our Plans and Current Projects: After-School Programs for preteen and teenagers 1. Tutoring     2. Computer classes   3. Drug-prevention education Evening adult education 1. GED classes    2. Support group    3. English and Creole classes Community Helps program 1. Food Pantry    2. Pastoral counseling    3. Thrift Shop   4. Community Referral agency 5. Crisis intervention
To provide a sound, structured environment to youth and adults, so people young and old can become physically well, socially adjusted, emotionally balanced and spiritually alive.
Our Leader: Prevoit Numa, Senior Pastor EbenEzer Pentecostal Church 1057 Collingswood Blvd. Port Charlotte, Florida 33953 Telephone: 754-422-4652
YOU CAN HELP! Please feel free to join us with a one-time gift or regular partnership. Funds, clothes, food, time... what is in your hand and heart to give? Individual, Family, Church, Non-Profit organization, Business... we welcome all  who love God and people, as our Father in heaven said those are the two most important priorities in life. We are a non-profit church ministry with 501(c)(3) status.
We intend to publish ministry updates on this site, so please check back often to see what doors are being opened due to your prayer and physical support.
Our Worship Services: Sunday: Sunday School 9 AM Church Worship 10 AM Evening Service 7 PM Wednesday: Evening Service 7 PM Friday: Prayer Meeting 7 PM
A Word from our Shepherd: The Lord has blessed us and called us into a missionary ministry. Along with our local church, we also have affiliations with other churches in Florida and four churches in Haiti, and a house that someone donated for us to start an Orphanage, Missionary house and Nursing Clinic in Haiti!  In the past, we have had a school with approximately 150 children and employed five teachers. As you can imagine, this type of ministry requires considerable amounts of finances and energy to operate. We have felt the Lord leading us to share this with everyone, asking anyone who can prayerfully contribute something to consider a “monthly support” in any amount. We know it will take a TEAM effort of committed people to make the vision come to pass. We are asking the Lord for 1,000 partners who will sow financially into this ministry every month. We encourage you to pray and ask the Lord if you are to be one who will help to clothe, feed, and aid in sending a Nurse to help the people of Haiti... and also keep up a missionary house, school for the children and an Orphanage. Together we can share in the work of the Lord and reap the rewards from serving Him as we provoke one another to love and good work! As a Ministry Partner, you will be helping us to heal hurting people in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and have the joy of knowing God is keeping a record of you who visit or help His children. Together we CAN change the world... one soul at a time! If you would like to send a gift at this time, please connect with Pastor Prevoit Numa at the physical contact locations above or by Email: prevoit.numa@yahoo.com or directly through PayPal.com using this button: Please know we are excited with and pray over every partnership! Whether one-time gift, monthly support, or a physical gift, we are grateful to have you come alongside us in this work of love.
Please include your contact information with your gift so we can properly credit you or your group in our required reports. We need your first and last name church or organization if applicable telephone number email if desired street address or post office box number city state zipcode                            Thank you!
Thank you for visiting our site, for your caring, sharing and prayers. May our wonderful Father in heaven bless you a hundredfold for any effort or energy expended to further His kingdom and give joy to His children! Peace and Love from our hearts to yours, Pastor Numa
left to right: David and Lynda Coleman Wilcott, Prevoit and Chimene Numa, Victoria Lee and Perry Leon Shelton
In October 2012 we hosted a multi-church tent revival week with different church music teams and preachers each night! Here are two photos:
To work towards meeting needs in the community’s present and future situations, both in Florida and Haiti.
Thank you, faithful supporters, for your compassion to the hurting!
Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the LORD of Hosts. ~ Zechariah 4:6 ~
He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increases strength. ~ Isaiah 40:29 ~
Click on any photo to enlarge
Please pray for Good Success and send a gift soon if you can: we took a large van full of clothing to Haiti via ship in February 2013!
       Our Goal:
Our Mission:
In September 2013 we did it again. Below are two photos: